hye. ehem2.. Sunday?? oo,, my class start on sunday. its not malacca anymore. i'm at ganu now so,, AHAD will be the first day. hahaha. start my day with bicycle. bicycle?? yeahh... i went to class by bicycle. weird,, perculiar.. brutal.. am i brutal? yes i am brutal seriously.. so what? u think i really care... k.
first class xde lecture yg msuk. so lepak n tido kt PH.. sedap nye tdo.. bgun2 je g beli mkanan kt pesta konvo.. mkn2 pas tu msuk PH dan menunggu rakan2 lain solat zohor..ak tgk je.. ksian nye. sabar ye nana. normal la tu. ngok ngek ! pas solat,, masuk ke fac.. its Pre CALCULUS class.. lecture not bad la,, nmpk ok.. x cm harimau pon.. syllabus pre calculus utk sem 1 ni bnyk yg sme ngn matrik. hope ak bleh wt ngn trbaek.insya allah. amin... kluar2 je kls.. ade mmber ni panggil. FARRAH, AWK TLG AJR KAN CALCULUS BLEH X?? SAYA LEMAH SIKIT ADDMATHS NI.. hahaha. klakar lak. bleh ke ak ajar org sdangkan ak ni pon kekurangan ajar.. hihi.. insya allah i'll help all of u.. dont worry,, i'll try my best.. the more u give, the more u get.. am i rite?? dats rite nana.. hahaha. ptg tu BEL 12o pnye kls.. BEL tu english la. lecture masyuk.. sir hanith iskandar from new castle, kelantan.. intro kne ckp nama, asal n siapa yg kita rindu. i miss my mum sir! (pegang muka) konon kiut miut sgt la kn nana..bnci ak tgk nana ni la. gedik ! pas tu sir ckp,, SEE,,FARRAH MISSED HER MUM.. SO BRING YOUR MUM HERE LA FARRAH.. its too far sir.. be patient nana. rupenye dlm kls ak ade 3-4 org dri matrik.. sesengal.. okla tu.. ade saingan.. laen kebanyakan freshie SPM.. ptg hbs kls BEL dlm kul 6.20 cm tu. teman mmber solat asar kt PH.. kayuh basikal balik redang.. singgah cafe take away dinner.. smpai dh kul 7 lbih mlm. penat sgt rse first day class.. kaki dh la melecet plus terseliuh. sakit gler. nak nangis ak.. mama! tlg laa adik ni.. sabar la nana oi! 21 hb nnt kan cuti. ko dduk la umah puas2..ok.. haha.. tu je alkisah aku di hari pertama kls.. ade cter best nana story mory lg k. bye ~~
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